BNP #4 June 1998 - CONTENTS

A Ship is Born
The Mungarr Mungarr ladies put on their woolies
Healing with Feeling
Shirl Evans knows a lot about energy
Aim High
Richard Driver spreads the good word
She's good with her Hands
Millie Grenfell has some little friends to help her
Maggie Hickey and Mark John have their say
The great clay Revival
There's nothing wrong with just pottering about
Working with women Worldwide
It's not just tea and scones at the ACWW
Driving Ambition
Put on your indicator and turn right to the page
CD, Movie and Food Reviews
Good news for Handbacks
Great white Hunters
Our panel put some white wines to the test
Some like 'em Cool
Some like 'em Hot
Music Makers
There's a lot of music happening in town
Old Litter
Spinifex spins another yarn
Safety worksops to cut road Toll
Finding the right person for the Job
Having a magazine means getting a page to rant on

Barkly News Pictorial is published by Artplan Graphics
128 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek 0860
P.O. Box 1110, Tennant Creek 0861
Telephone: 08 8962 2822 Facsimile: 08 8962 2884
Publisher: Paul Cockram, Editor: Gemma Buxton
Website Version: Sawittree Theerawatporn


another mag.
Sales were so good last month, we didn't have enough copies left over to send out of town - so, sorry to Katherine and Alice but we've printed 750 this month to cater for everyone.
Last month it was touch and go getting the mag to the printer because we held it back until the last minute to catch the Grand Prix. I missed the night bus with the artwork and had to take it to the airport the next day.
We don't have an arrangement with Air North for last minute air freight but we were saved in true country style. Kym Cook was travelling to Adelaide that day and he kindly agreed to take it to Alice. Thanks Kym.
This month we have the story of the Warramungu launch in Melbourne and again it was all a bit rushed. Shirley and Paul Ruger kindly supplied the photos from which our lead story photo on page 4 is constructed.
Next month we'll have a feature on Borroloola but I can't tell you anything about it because I haven't got there yet. They say the fishing's good.
Paul Cockram

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