BNP #6 August 1998 - CONTENTS

High Flyer
Darius Plummer keeps his eyes on the ball
New health service for the tropics
Chips Mackinolty gets a check-up
Frontline students
Don't mess with these kids
Life on the frontier
Jock Asiimwe lives between way out and way out further
Foot Patrol
Getting the drum on the beat
Labour of Love
There's gold in them thar hills
All the usual reviews
Music, video, live theatre
Getting your Bobs worth
Bob Collins came to town to set us straight
A road trip
Spinifex was there in the driver's seat
Curly, Larry and Moe this month
Rodents and roadhouses
A foot in each camp
Harry Bennett tells of an astonishing life
Trainee of the month
It's only rock and roll but I like it
Keeping language alive
I wanna grow up not blow up

Barkly News Pictorial is published by Artplan Graphics
128 Paterson Street, Tennant Creek 0860
P.O. Box 1110, Tennant Creek 0861
Telephone: 08 8962 2822 Facsimile: 08 8962 2884
Publisher: Paul Cockram, Editor: Gemma Buxton


another mag.
While there hasn't been a stampede of contributors, the ideas and articles keep coming in.
If you're out 'there' in the wide expanse of the Barkly, we want to tell your story. The mail plane story was popular so we know that there is plenty of interest in the region.
Perhaps we can have a 'Notice Board' page like outside shops where small messages and tid bits of info can be posted.
One such announcement came in from Benmara.
Ray and Jody Holt are pleased to announce the arrival of Jake Ernest, weighing in at 8 lb 4 oz on April 12th at Mt Isa.
Well, there you go. Perhaps we'll need a regular B's, D's and M's column.
Watch out for soldiers lurking in the shadows in September.

GI Joes and GI Jills